A distinct quality assurance process for each service provided

So you want to know what the QA process looks like on Ion Expert Services? You've come to the right place. Review each phase of our process to see what gets QA'ed (and by whom and how) in each step of the production flow.
Ion Experience

Ion Experience

The goal of the wireframe is to showcase the user flow, functionalities, and design and layout recommendations for an interactive experience by crafting a full working version in the Ion platform. The wireframe deliverable will potentially include all pages, sections, questions and logic to an experience, yet will not incorporate the final content or imagery, and will not be fully designed at this stage.

What is QA'ed in the wireframe phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • Content: Wireframe includes all pages and content laid out as required
  • User Experience: Wireframe showcases the user flow adequately
  • Functionality: Wireframe is fully functional and showcases all the major functionalities that should be implemented in the experience, less any animations
  • Look-and-Feel: Wireframe showcases a design and layout that matches the client's goals and project requirements
  • Publishing: Wireframe is built with best practices in Ion
  • Indexability: Robot meta directives (no index, no follow, no archive) have been checked
  • Logic: Logic is working as expected and the results and outcomes are correct
  • Integration: Integration is hooked up (if applicable and available)
  • Organization: Wireframe creative is properly organized and stored in console
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The goal of the build is to take client’s and internal feedback and finalize the design, functionality, and flow of an experience by finishing the full working version in the Ion platform. The build will include all pages, sections, questions and logic to an experience, and will also contain final content and imagery, including all animations, and is fully designed.

What is QA'ed in the build phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • Wireframe Feedback: Wireframe feedback has been implemented or responded to
  • Publishing: Build is built with best practices in Ion
  • Usability: The Experience’s ability to facilitate visitors' tasks
  • Proofing: Running proofing process to ensure the BUILD is error free
  • Browser Testing: Test the experience build in all browsers
  • Page Loading: Page loading is getting proper score from PageSpeed
  • Logic: Logic is working as expected and the results and outcomes are correct
  • Embed: Embed ability is working as expected, including all features and functionalities of the experience
  • Organization: Build creative is properly organized and stored in console
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The goal of the GoLive is to fulfill a final quality assurance process to make sure the creative is error free and all best practices have been followed before making the experience live. The GoLive will include double-checking integrations, conversion point, tagging, robot meta directives, browser tests, and traffic source.

What is QA'ed before the GoLive phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this phase:
  • Integration: The integration has been hooked to the experience
  • Conversion Point: The conversion point is marked accordingly
  • Tagging: All interactive elements are properly tagged
  • Indexability: Robot meta directives (no index, no follow, no archive) have been unchecked
  • Path Description: A comprehensive description has been added to the experience path
  • Traffic Source: A traffic source has been assigned to the experience
  • Browser Responsiveness: The final experience is showing and functioning properly in all common viewports
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Custom Interactive Services

Custom Interactive Services

The goal of the Theme is to ensure that the client's brand is implemented correctly, so that their interactive experiences match their overall look and feel. The Theme will include all sections of the Themekit Creative completed with the client’s branding. This includes but is not limited to their: Colors, Typefaces, Buttons, Links, Pods, Regions, Accordions, Tabs, Flows, and Navigation stylings.

What is QA’d during the Theme phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • Branding: All brand guidelines have been followed in styling
  • Functionality: Everything is working as expected in all viewports
  • Styling: Interactive elements are styled properly and work correctly
  • Labeling: Every element micro-theme label matches the Themekit page label
  • Organization: Theme creative is properly organized and stored in console
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The goal of an iteration is to make a copy of an existing interactive experience and perform predefined changes to the content, such as copy and imagery updates, slight design changes, forms and CTAs replacements, language translation, and the like. The iteration will only incorporate the changes requested in the creative brief.

What is QA’d during the Iteration phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • Iteration Guidelines: Modifications requested to the content have been implemented or responded to the iterative version in its entirely
  • Original Creative: A copy of the Live Creative has been made and archived
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The goal of the Integration is to send data collected in the respondent record of an interactive experience to the client’s Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The Integration will include all data up to the point in time when they were triggered, yet will not contain data that was calculated after the point of them being triggered.

What is QA’d during the Integration phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • Field Mapping: All fields requested are added to the field mapping
  • Settings: The integration is pointing to the right endpoint
  • Demo Creative: Data fields are set up in the Demo Creative and the integration is triggered at the right place, usually the submit button
  • Test Lead: Lead test has been sent and was successful
  • Organization: Demo Creative is properly organized and stored in console
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Stage Content Hub

Stage Content Hub

The goal of the blog express is to rapidly set up and personalize a temporary WordPress application while the actual content hub is getting completed. The blog express will be executed through an automatic workflow without any approval steps from the client, and will be slightly designed against the brand elements supplied, such as logo, colors, and fonts.

What is QA’d during the Blog Express phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • aplicação do brand - Mudança do logo no cabeçalho e rodapé / Aplicação das cores e fontes no template
  • template correto
  • widgets aplicados
  • plugins instalados
  • Inclusão das categorias e redes sociais
  • Instalação e configuração de plugins específicos - WPRocket, Imagefy, Yoast SEO
  • Códigos de serviços do Google
  • GA4
  • GTM
  • Recaptcha
  • Implementação de widgets na barra lateral
  • Formulário
  • Rock Convert
  • Materiais ricos
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The goal of the Content Hub Design phase is to showcase the user flow, functionalities, and design and layout recommendations for a content hub, before beginning to develop within Elementor on WordPress. The mockup will be crafted in Adobe XD and will include all pages, sections, navigability, and components to a content hub.

What is QA’d during the Design phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • Content: Mockup includes all pages and content laid out as required
  • User Experience: Mockup showcases the user flow adequately and has notes included for any interactive elements, sections or pages that may not be included in the mockup directly
  • Functionality: Mockup showcases the major functionalities that will be implemented in the content hub
  • Look-and-Feel: Mockup showcases a design and layout that matches the client's brand, goals and project requirements with this content hub
  • Crafting: Mockup is crafted with best practices in Adobe XD
  • Organization: Mockup source files are properly organized and stored in Google Drive
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The goal of the Content Hub Development phase is to…

What is QA’d during the Integration phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • Mockup Feedback: O documento contendo o feedback do cliente foi conferido e os ajustes solicitados após aprovação do mockup foram aplicados por completo na fase de desenvolvimento (se aplicável)
  • Mockup: O layout e o design do content hub estão de acordo com o mockup aprovado e a identidade visual do cliente (cor, tamanho e família da fonte, tamanhos de todos os títulos, altura de linha etc.)
  • Conteúdo: O content hub possui todo o conteúdo solicitado e páginas delineadas no Handoff Agreement
  • Funcionalidade: Todas as páginas do content hub estão funcionando conforme esperado (cliques, animações, navegação etc.), assim como formulários, CTAs, entre outros componentes e elementos interativos
  • Responsividade: O content hub está responsivo em desktop e dispositivos mobile, e o layout das páginas não está quebrando ou comprometido
  • Browser Testing: Os testes de usabilidade foram realizados via BrowserStack — se a URL for testada em produção (URL temporária de Stage), logar no BrowserStack, teste Live, selecionar os devices e browser, rodar o teste, encontrar possíveis erros e documentar
  • Documentação: O documento de QA foi preenchido corretamente e o arquivo está devidamente salvo na pasta do cliente no Drive
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The goal of the Content Hub Deployment phase is to…

What is QA’d during the Deployment phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • Content Hub Feedback: O documento contendo o feedback do cliente foi conferido e os ajustes solicitados após desenvolvimento do content hub foram aplicados por completo (se aplicável)
  • Technical Setup: Garantir que o Stage do cliente está devidamente configurado e preparado para receber o serviço de WordPress Maintenance, assim como entregar a melhor performance possível para a estratégia de marketing de conteúdo
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Custom Web Services

Custom Web Services

The goal of the Hosting Migration is to transfer a WordPress-based site from a different hosting into the Stage servers, either entirely or only a preselected list of content.

What is QA’d during the Hosting Migration phase?

The following items will be reviewed in this deliverable:
  • Stage Configuration
  • Site Indexation
  • Content Migration
  • Users Migration
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The goal of the maintenance routines is to ensure the WordPress application is greatly optimized for higher performance and bullet-proofed for security. The service includes frequent activities for performance optimization and security monitoring, as well as course-correcting the most common issues compromising the functioning of the hosting.

What is QA’d during the WordPress Maintenance phase?

The following items will be reviewed and performed in this deliverable:
  • Technical Setup: This is a one-time setup of the WordPress application to welcome a client aboard the WordPress Maintenance service, ensuring all the technical apparatus for a high-performance environment and for carrying the content marketing strategy along is in place.
  • Security Monitoring: This is a weekly checkpoint to guarantee the security system is up to date, including file scans and repairs, vulnerability fixes, file repairs.
  • Performance Optimization: This is a monthly routine to perform a set of improvements for a better performance of the WordPress application, including PageSpeed (Desktop and Mobile) and Core Web Vitals (LCP - Loading time, FID - Interactivity, CLS - Stability).
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Round 3


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What is the goal of a wireframe?

The goal of a wireframe is to showcase the user flow, functionalities, and design & layout recommendations for an experience by building a full working version in the Ion platform.


Wireframes include all pages, questions, or sections to an experience. They will not contain final content or imagery, and will also not be fully/final designed.

What is QA'ed in the wireframe phase?

The wireframe will be reviewed along with the creative brief, and any notes/comments that have occurred between the brief, the estimate, the prototype/mockup (if applicable), and the wireframe phase.


The following items will be reviewed in the wireframe phase for Content-Driven experiences:

  • Is the wireframe fully functional?
  • Does the wireframe showcase all the major functionalities that should be implemented in the experience?
  • Does the wireframe showcase a design & layout that match the client's brand and goals with this experience?
  • Is the wireframe built with best practices in Ion?

The wireframe will be reviewed along with the creative brief, and any notes/comments that have occurred between the brief, the estimate, the prototype/mockup (if applicable), and the wireframe phase.


The following items will be reviewed in the wireframe phase for Logic-Driven experiences:

  • Is the wireframe fully functional?
  • Does the wireframe logic give the correct result(s)?
  • Does the wireframe showcase all the major functionalities that should be implemented in the experience?
  • Does the wireframe showcase a design & layout that match the client's brand and goals with this experience?
  • Is the wireframe built with best practices in Ion?

* Mid-level designers will not be responsible for proofing Logic-Driven wireframes.

Feedback format
Round 4


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What is the goal of a build?

The goal of a build is to take client and internal feedback and finalize the design, functionality, and flow of an experience by finishing the full working version in the Ion platform.


Builds include all pages, questions, or sections to an experience. They contain final content and imagery, and are fully designed.

What is QA'ed in the build phase?

The build will be reviewed along with the creative brief, and any notes/comments that have occurred between the brief, the estimate, the prototype/mockup (if applicable), and the wireframe phase.

The following items will be reviewed and completed in the build phase:


  • Is the build built with best practices in Ion?
  • Images have been compressed to their smallest file size
  • Pages/Navigation are linking to appropriate page within the path
  • External links working (opening in new window)
  • Everything that is clickable is tagged and tagged uniquely
  • Consistency throughout the path
    • Font sizes, spacings, design treatments, etc.
  • Requirements within the task description have been completed
  • No empty/unnecessary containers
  • Things should be tagged uniquely but follow some sort of pattern.
    • Examples: Ch 1 - Reveal 1, Ch 1 - Reveal 2, Ch 2 - Accordion 1, etc.
  • If there is more than one form, they should be tagged uniquely as well.
    • Examples: Form Complete, Form Complete - Bottom, Form Complete - Download, etc.


  • Open up latest copy doc/excel sheet/PPT/PDF
  • Begin experience
  • Compare copy to latest doc
  • Click on everything — footer links included
  • View collected data every so often to see if the correct tags are being collected
  • Form - click submit button before entering any info to make sure fields are required. If fields are required and an empty form still submits, check for the 'validate and submit' behavior on the button
  • Check all pages in all responsive sizes
  • Make notes of inconsistencies with the latest content doc. Be sure to check the comments to make sure there isn't even-more-up-to-date info there
  • Read task notes again to make sure nothing was overlooked


  • Check all of the copy for questions and choices against the content doc on your first pass through.
  • Take the assessment/quiz as many times as it takes to get all possible outcomes.
  • Choose all of the "A" options on the first go around. If all A's = 1 and there are 10 questions, the score should be 10. If it's not, there's a problem with either the mapping of an "A" answer or there's a problem with an "A" rule. Repeat the process for all other choices.
  • If there are still discrepancies you can’t figure out, we recommend printing out the section of the proof that has the page rules and printing the content doc with the scoring. Comparing them on paper is sometimes easier than on the screen.


  • If applicable, use the numbers provided in the calculator documentprovided by the client as an easy way to make sure the calculations in the experience match the math that they provided.
  • Checking collected data can be really helpful if there are a lot of preliminary calculator rules that are the basis for the final calculation that appears on the page.


  • Use {{CurrentYear}}*
  • Testing URL is excluded from the site map
  • Check client-specific proofing doc
  • Mobile user rule added to landing page*
  • Meta page title*
  • Social information - Open Graph meta tags*
  • Necessary scripts/tracking tags added
  • Advanced rules​​
  • Grammar, punctuation, and spelling
  • Social information - Tweets and email information*
  • Conversion is marked (if applicable)*
  • Integration is hooked up*
  • Check form mapping
  • Advanced rules​
  • Check all responsive sizes (LG, MD, SM, XS)


  • Header & footer hidden when embedded
  • No full-page slider used
  • No sticky containers/fixed containers
  • No fixed widths
  • Nested responsive grids recommended
  • No parallax scrolling
  • Lightboxes set to open centered on link instead of centered on page; avoid altogether if possible
Feedback format
Round 5


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What is the goal of revisions?

The goal of the revisions are to implement client and internal feedback, which can include minor updates to design, copy, and imagery. Revisions may also include bug fixing, troubleshooting, etc.

What is QA'ed in the revisions phase?

The revisions will be reviewed singularly, and will not go back into the historical data of the brief/comments/etc.


The following items will be completed in the revisions phase:

  • Go through each item of feedback from the client, line by line.
  • Be sure to check all revisions in all responsive sizes to ensure nothing has been incorrectly adjusted.
  • Read through any notes from the designer.
  • Consolidate list of notes from designer and your own notes when posting in the task.

* Creative & QA Lead would be responsible if major revisions occur.

Round 6


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