The goal of a wireframe is to showcase the user flow, functionalities, and design & layout recommendations for an experience by building a full working version in the Ion platform.
Wireframes include all pages, questions, or sections to an experience. They will not contain final content or imagery, and will also not be fully/final designed.
The goal of a build is to take client and internal feedback and finalize the design, functionality, and flow of an experience by finishing the full working version in the Ion platform.
Builds include all pages, questions, or sections to an experience. They contain final content and imagery, and are fully designed.
The build will be reviewed along with the creative brief, and any notes/comments that have occurred between the brief, the estimate, the prototype/mockup (if applicable), and the wireframe phase.
The following items will be reviewed and completed in the build phase:
The revisions will be reviewed singularly, and will not go back into the historical data of the brief/comments/etc.
The following items will be completed in the revisions phase:
* Creative & QA Lead would be responsible if major revisions occur.