Managed Services

Managed Interactive Services 

Hands-on support and expert care to keep your interactive experiences fresh and maintained whenever you need

Get hands-on support to keep the engines of your interactive content creation rolling smoothly

Rock Content Managed Interactive Services provides the extra set of hands and recurring assistance you need to keep your interactive experiences constantly watched over while enabling a seamless journey through Ion by counting on a complete catalog of preselected tasks to be requested by you on an ad-hoc basis, ranging from interactive experience updates, to design consultation, to training sessions.

Request updates to your interactive experiences and themes, including content, logic, design, layout, and the like


Request the expert team to either craft a wireframe to convey a content idea or finish building existing interactives experience for you


Request training and other enablement challenges to assist you in practical terms creating experiences on your own


Request creative and innovative ideas from preexisting pieces of content for your next Ion Interactive Experience project

Everything you need to know about this agreement

What you will get from this agreement

Get the right plan — Essentials or Advanced — to better suit the cadence and level of technical support you need.

  • Essentials: Level of services for 1 (one) Ion console with up to 34 open yet non-cumulative hours available over the course of the agreement to execute preselected tasks, upon your request.
  • Advanced: Level of services for 1 (one) Ion console with up to 68 open yet non-cumulative hours available over the course of the agreement to execute preselected tasks, upon your request.

How this service will be delivered

We will make available in your Ion console a catalog of tasks with predefined scope and duration for you to request hands-on support with a few clicks through your Managed Interactive Services agreement whenever needed, including the following examples but not restricted to:

  • Update content and logic of an interactive experience
  • Run practical training sessions to share Ion knowledge
  • Perform updates to the design elements of an Ion Theme
  • Review contents asset and provide expert opinion
  • Create interactive micro-experiences based on templates
  • Craft wireframes to get one step ahead in the building process
  • Finish existing interactive experiences made by you
  • Create exclusive interactive experience templates
  • Update field mapping from a existing Ion integration
  • Share design suggestions to an existing interactive experience

Why this service is ideal for you

Whether you have a mid to large-sized marketing team or a content strategy with a great volume of interactive experiences, Managed Interactive Services will take the hassle out of your creation process, so you can invest your time in growing your business.

  • Extend the bandwidth of your internal team to achieve higher operational efficiency
  • Get ongoing training and professional education to streamline the learning curve of the platform
  • Obtain personalized support on product usability to make the most out of the platform’s capabilities

Does the standard scope of this agreement not fit your needs completely?

Please consult with your sales representative and share the size of your content strategy and the length of your Ion journey. A custom-scope plan is available and we can provide you with an estimate for your tailor-made Managed Interactive Services agreement to better suit your expectations, whether you need a bigger or smaller plan.